Sitemap - 2022 - Hello, Writer!

The best of 2022 on Medium and Substack

Apologies and Merry Christmas

Would you pick Door A or B?

Medium CEO Says Editors Will Get Paid. Color Me Skeptical. Here's Why.

Substack Asked Writers What They Struggle With. Here's What They Said.

Today is probably the best day of the year to talk about your poor underperforming website

5 things you might not know about Substack and why they matter

"Copyright law might need to be changed" says a big data writer

The mistake too many writers make

Weird thing about writing and creativity. Plus, a question.

Why Does Medium Always "Fix" What's Not Broken?

Writers are "quiet quitting" Medium

The Drama At Medium Made Me Think

Is Medium Pursuing Plagiarism Poorly?

The Hard Part Of Writing Online

She's A Writer. Her Pronouns Are Pay Me

If your Medium views are down, I have an idea

Medium Is Making A Big Mistake And I Don't Think They See It (See Graph)

A publication is divorcing Medium and writers have to pick

Websites aren't dying. Most are born dead.

Dingus of the week, the writer who (probably) lied about his book on Medium

Real writers do their d@mn homework

Dumb letters to Medium's new SEO

Can a Place Have A Soul? The Real Difference Between Medium and Substack

Medium has a new CEO. Here's my prediction

Too many writers bury their voice

Writers have so much money baggage.

How do you get out of a writing rut?

3 Dumb Things I Read This Week

Some hard talk about writer websites

I read about an old experiment and now I have a question (for you) about your writing.

Medium Has A Problem They Can't Solve

An interesting thing in my Medium stats

I don't think Medium wants us to publish daily

So, guess who emailed me because of Medium?

I wish Medium would do what Substack does

Would you buy followers? What about if they were real?

Eating the ears first is the only thing we agree on, apparently. Happy Easter!

Writers have more dragons

I Think I Was Wrong...

Wow. Both wrong and arrogant

Medium Sucks In March?

Can you believe this?

Two kinds of writers on Medium

Theft And Birthday Thoughts...

Dingus of the week

The secret of a good website

Why Author Websites Suck

Seeking writers who made the cut, can you help?

The Book Café Is Live, With A Snafu

Call me a glutton for punishment, but let me know if you're interested...

Do you know what today is?