I don't know about what the rest of the world should do. But you reminded me what I want to do. Who I want to be.

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Thank you so much, Robyn. What a truly nice thing to read in the morning!

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Apr 25, 2020Liked by Linda Caroll

I agree. In ordinary discourse (meaning, nowadays, online and in Tweets), there's no excuse for incivility. The only exception I can think of is that racist/misogynistic/homophobic statements, incitement to violence, promotion of...well, for want of a better description, blatantly evil sentiments...should be opposed. It's possible to carry the non-judgmental approach too far.

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I completely agree. I write about those sometimes, too. But even then, we can remember to speak as though we don't know who's reading. Thanks for adding that. It's an important part, and I'd missed it, so I'm glad you added it here. :)

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Apr 25, 2020Liked by Linda Caroll

I look forward to your weekly email newsletter. This one was a “keeper.”

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Thanks, Linda. Good to see you and hope you're well.

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Apr 25, 2020Liked by Linda Caroll

I am staying well; going a little stir crazy at times. Walking in our neighborhood in a sunny day cures the isolation; get to see my neighbors with dogs and we chat from a safe distance, of course.

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I'm glad to hear that. Spring has been real late coming here and it was well below freezing up until last week. It's calling for 60* today with sunshine and I am looking forward to being able to go walking in nice weather, too. I can relate to the stir crazy feeling. A couple of months of isolation is enough for the walls to start closing in.

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I thought your article really summed up a problem with the internet. There are certain people saying things on the internet they wouldn't say to your face. I believe that when people resort to name-calling and insulting those they don't agree with, it's due to a lack of ability to defend their position. When I encounter this in the "real" world, I politely walk away. These people are not open to any kind of reasonable discourse, so any further conversation is a waste of my time. Also, it seems to me, that women suffer more internet abuse than men. Try to ignore these fools and stay true to your beliefs.

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What a great phrase - reasonable discourse. Yes, we need more of that. I agree. Insults usually come from exactly what you said. Thank you so much for your kind words.

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A thoughtful article, thanks.

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Thank you, Carole.

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Ok, my last post cleared. Apparently, the bot required my bio so I left it blank.

I don't have another 30 minutes to spare so long story short , I encouraged you to hang in there because quality and common courtesy will prevail in the end.

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