Looking back on my life, I've done some things others might believe I should feel shame. But I don't. It's just where I was at the time, and I realize I've learned not to repeat those actions.

Every country in the world has a history of bad decisions by its leaders and by its citizens, but you learn and move on. Bad judgment, like attacking the Capitol, is something from which to learn, and make sure, with accountability, it doesn't happen again. I'm proud this country had a Black President a few years ago, and has a decent man for its next President and a great woman for his VP. Trump and his minions were an aberration.

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It's an interesting distinction, right? Me feeling shamed for my own actions and someone else shaming me if they don't like my actions are totally different things. We all need to learn what you summed up very well. We all need to figure out what actions we're ashamed of and learn from those things. Self examination is where growth comes from. Thanks, Tom. Nice to see you again and hope you're well. :)

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Writing this next novel has exhausted me mentally. I'm going to write a couple of Master Bao stories to recharge my creative batteries. I like "self examination if where growth comes from." And we must learn to take it easy on ourselves. Isaac Asimov said, "We're impossible beings in an impossible Universe," and I think that's grand ( I can use words like 'grand' because I'm an old guy. 'Super' just doesn't have the same panache.)

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I like the idea of doing a different creative thing to recharge. I love that Asimov quote. You're right - super doesn't have the panache. I suspect the frequency with which I call things great or awesome pegs me in the same way grand and super do. lol.

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When I first saw the news and what was happening, I was somewhat incredulous how they were able move about so freely? There were quite a few expletives. I'm not in the USA, but up in Canada (eh?!). Couldn't resist. I thought about the fact one more could have homemade exsosives,or guns etc.

Then I couldn't believe how many were there were so many without masks. I'll be glad when Biden's sworn in.

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Explosives. :S

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I'm sure there were expletives, too. Probably lots of them. lol.

I'm in Canada, too. Kind of wondering if the 20th will be uneventful, or a repeat. Hopefully the former, but wouldn't be surprised at the latter either.

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Oy Linda. When are you going to learn. 1+1=2 ... not 3.

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Ever been to a maternity ward? lol

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Excellent post and spot on. Thanks for sharing and making me think.

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Wonderful Post Linda, Excited to be included in the outstanding writers tip list- You were right, I hadn’t heard the tips. Bravo!!!

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What happened in Washington this week was a bad day for the US and democracy. But, you know what? I hear some fellow-Australians sometimes say they are ashamed to be Australian because of this or that policy of our government. And I'd like to ask them, which of all the countries around the world would you prefer to be identified with? Because all of them have their dark side, and it's a thoughtless, reflexive remark. The US has a great record in so many ways, leading the free world against fascism and communism, helping out countries in trouble, giving a new home to those fleeing genuinely bad countries. Don't ever be ashamed to be an American. Just you-all pick yourselves up and go on being good and decent, and loving your neighbour, and it will come right.

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