I got boosted this week- one of my Jefferson Ball stories, "The Hunter And The Game" got the nod. Since it was the first thing I wrote when I wanted to be a pro writer, way back when before Medium, getting that validation means something.

Whether it makes any difference to my monthly pay will probably be seen when I get the report next month.

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That's awesome David. :)

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That's a cool snippet about your early story. I have a closet full of old children stories I wrote in the 80s. I visit them every once in a while and say hello. Maybe I'll take one out for a spin. Cheers.

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Jun 23, 2023·edited Jun 23, 2023Liked by Linda Caroll

Congratulations, David! :D Very well deserved! "The Hunter And The Game" happens to be oe of my favorite stories by you. And as you know, Jefferson Ball and Hamilton Pomeranian are among my favorites of your characters. :) Keep up the excellent work, my friend!

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Nice work David!

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These are fantastic pointers. As a fellow Booster, I want to double click on #5.

More than once, I've read all the way to the end of a story, only to mutter "damn" when I got to the string of stories tacked on to the end. If the bottom of your story looks like the classified ads, I'm going to pass.

Plus, it's unnecessary. As Linda noted in the article, Medium now does this for us.

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Me too. There's one writer that is such a strong writer. She's taken the time to make custom graphics for all the links. One for Medium referrals. One for her profile. Etc. Pretty enough, yes, but I wish she'd get rid of them so I can nominate her writing. Because it's really good.

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Forgive me, but I don't understand why her use of custom graphics makes you not want to boost her. In a platform where everyone's page looks exactly the same - white white white - she is celebrating her individuality and sharing her aesthetic.

I could understand it if they are too big, maybe? Or are glaringly ugly? But a couple graphics to make your post individual - what's wrong with that?

All these 'you shouldn'ts' make me feel like this is yet one more fit-in-or-we-shun-you platform, and not want to write on medium anymore - and I just got started.

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Thanks, Linda, helpful as always. 😊

My last article -- https://medium.com/p/d1fb4f88c2e0 just got boosted. Surprised me - pleasantly so. A boost brings me into contact with new people which is the fun part. Thanks again. 🌹

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That's great to hear, Joe, nice to hear! And you're right, it does bring new faces for sure!

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I find this so interesting because most readers tell me they refuse to read anything over 5 minutes long. Also, my best performing story on Medium was exactly 3 minutes long. It got curated and made a large amount of money, and I didn't consider it one of my better pieces. I think a lot just comes down to luck and what resonates with people at the time.

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That's awesome to hear you had a short piece curated. My experience has been the opposite so that was nice to hear. You're so right about resonating. :)

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I appreciate you sharing because I am trying to write longer pieces now. If nothing else, to grow as a writer. ☺️

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That's awesome Lisa. I love when writers challenge themselves to do something different. It's why I started writing in different areas. I used to write mostly nonfiction and history but dived into personal essays to challenge myself to do something different. :)

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Clarification...does it serve you better if we read you and comment on Medium or on Substack?

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Well, on Medium I get paid, and on Substack I don't. But that said, I don't post the same thing both places, so it's okay to read and comment wherever you are! :)

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Jun 23, 2023Liked by Linda Caroll

Very helpful! As always. Many thanks - as always.

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Thanks, Jen. :)

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Your reads always feel like you're gently trying to help writers get what they want. Sometimes we need a gentle voice and sometimes a knock on the head--both of which you're great at!

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lol, thanks Robyn.

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Hi Linda,

I've been loosely following your work over the last few years. A few days ago, I came across the Medium Staff's article below,, the one about the new partner program:


And that led me to your article about getting old:


I have to say that I was very impressed with your article getting 32k claps relative to the other 2 articles that were linked as examples of the top earning articles under the new program instituted in August.

I'll admit I'm rather cynical about Medium's approach to "life enriching stories" and boosting, There was a time that I did very well on Medium. In the last year, I've seen many people l like leave, Jessica Wildfire being one example.

I've been writing about the war in Ukraine for the last year and a half. I'm sure Medium thinks that I'm writing "hot takes". But I'm passionate about that topic because if that war goes nuclear, there will be a serious decline in readership at Medium.

I recall that some time ago, you proposed, or maybe you offered some coaching, courses or something of the like. I'd like to know what you offer in terms of feedback, improvement or training.

I write because I really love to write. But if I want to make some money on Medium, it seems like I have to do a lot more. I have to curate. I have to post daily. I have to respond to comments. And then I remember you talking about an article by a writer who had just 50 followers, and the article had a great title and delivered on the title.

I want to learn how to do that. I don't expect that every time, maybe once a month would keep me juiced enough to keep writing for Medium. I just know my articles over the last year are not popular with the Medium staff. A couple years ago, I got a few published with The Startup. That was nice.

But the best of my articles that were published on The Startup only made $6. My first article on the war in Ukraine made $1200 and it wasn't featured in any publication on Medium.

So I know I'm doing something wrong. Not sure what. But I'm willing to learn.

If you have any suggestions for me, I'm listening.


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I'm new on medium, still learning the ropes.

OH! No capital letters in titles? OK, small ones from now on...

OH! Too many links at the end? I get that reasoning - OK...

OH! Get right into it instead of setting the story up? Hmm - well, OK ...

Frankly I have no clue if you'd like any of my stories. Or if you'd consider them boost-worthy. So I don't know which one to send you.

I'd want you to boost the one where I was raped at 13 and because of the support of my mother the guy went to jail.

I'd want you to boost the one where I was hitchiking and got caught in Donner Pass in a snowstorm.

Or maybe ... - sheesh. How does one enter a boost competition?

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Hey Linda, yeah it's a shame to see so many quality stories only be 3-4 mins long, hey? I also have a friend who created beautiful designs for all of his CTAs (including stories he wants to promote). They're pretty but it's too cluttered. I want to tell him to cut them, or else there will be almost no chance for him to be boosted. But I don't want to offend him, especially since he put so much effort into those pretty graphics, so I bite my tongue.

Another thing I want to add, is that Medium wants nuance. I saw that in my congratulatory email for my first ever boost. They like "thoughtful, nuanced, knowledgeable perspectives," and I believe this applies to fiction and poetry as well. On social media, the short, punchy articles often generate the most clicks. So I get that Medium is trying to give more love to the longer, more thoughtful articles with more nuanced, complex perspectives. As opposed to shorter stories with a simple and straightforward perspective, with no nuances, disclaimers, or other points, from what I've seen.

Perhaps there are exceptions to this rule, but from the boosted articles I've heard of, this seems to be what they're generally looking for. That's great because I prefer to write more nuanced articles, too. Some people advised me to write more extreme points of view to get more engagement. I'm glad I didn't listen to them!

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I hit the share button and it did not do anything. Just took me to the story again. I'm going to try something else.

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thank you for writing this, Linda, and for giving writers such great information to help them move forward.

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Your advice about writing on Medium is ALWAYS helpful. That's why you're one of only two people whose Medium advice I read.

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Thanks again Linda! I consider myself a strong writer also, but see my stats crawl along close to the bottom and then spike to over 250 in a few days. Then go back down to 9 or 12 reads. A mystery to me. I'm not that interested in getting paid (although that's nice too) but more in doing the writing and having it read. I will remember to stick to your recommendations.

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