I'm in central Texas in scorching heat and ongoing drought. We need rain too.

Old timer's have a saying, "In Texas we live and die by water."

How true that is, not enough or too much all at once.

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Hope you get rain soon too, Robin.

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I've never had cattle or horses to take care of. A friend who has always had horses is currently checking on her current horse hourly and hosing him down. He has a beautiful barn and a special cooling blanket, gets frozen carrots for treats, and a cooling mister. She said she is exhausted this last week. The temperatures this coming week are forecast to be hotter, 106.

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Jul 16, 2023·edited Jul 17, 2023Liked by Linda Caroll


If you’re already thinking that you, as an individual, can’t affect anything, then be reminded of people, individuals, who went on to change the world: Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, Emily Pankhurst, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Martin Luther King Jnr.

You CAN join that gang. All it takes is working smarter not harder.


The number one PRIORITY should be to force these #ECOCRIMINALS


to PAY:

• REPARATIONS (to the individuals/communities devasted/harmed by BigFossilFuel actions)

• FINES (to those nations/governments where BigFossilFuel committed their crimes)

and then have those criminal corporations SHUT DOWN FOREVER.

And make these following individual executives of those satanic mills pay out of their own pocket, not just from the company accounts:


because they have KNOWINGLY been committing ecocide/homicide.

They all KNEW they were creating HELL on Earth, but lied about it for DECADES. See this:


So what now? How can we go after those companies and executives to fix the planet?

Simple. By VOTING for GREEN politicians and parties – because they are NOT in the pockets of Fossil Fuel Companies.

Do that and you will be striking a blow against the Empire.

The ruling and revolving door of the duopoly of political parties in Canada, Australia, UK, USA etc. all take 'donations' from those killer organizations that have brought our species to the brink of extinction.

It is MADNESS to keep voting for one of the two majors - here in Australia those who are awake call them the 'Shit' or 'Shit-Lite' parties.

Someone much smarter than me said that if you keep doing the same thing over and over and keep hoping to get different results, you are truly mad.

So don't be mad. Don't get mad. Get even.

Via a THIRD way.

Green politicians and Green political parties want to do away with 'donations' to political parties to remove the corruption that goes with it.

The Greens want to also STOP PAYING those EcoCriminal organizations that are KILLING us all - yes, that's right, for the privilege this week of choking on wildfire smoke in Canada, USA, Spain, etc. or the fun times to be had that go with flooding in Bangladesh, Japan, Italy etc. this week, our so called Shit/Shit-Lite 'leaders' for the past 120 years or so have been authorizing/paying hundreds of billions annually to these criminals, using OUR TAX MONEY!

How much? How does over a TRILLION dollars in subsidies (i.e. free handouts to BigFosilFuel) sound - just in the year 2022!!!


See this for details: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2023/02/fossil-fuel-consumption-subsidies-energy-2022/


Politicians of the Shit/Shit-Lite variety, despite their corrupt ways in gerrymandering districts, disenfranchising voters, and deceiving with propaganda, are still only able to get into positions of power if ignorant/uninformed people VOTE for them.

So if you agree that the system is broken, its you the voters of the two majors who are the CAUSE.

And if you’re not outraged by the poisoning of our biosphere, and the carnage it is unleashing upon us in return, you’re not only not paying attention, but you are also part of the problem.

So wise up dear reader.

Vote GREENER, not harder - if you want to get out of this alive.



See this for details: https://www.motherjones.com/environment/2023/04/electrify-everything-scope-data/?fbclid=IwAR1Tzsf3OPkebW_h-ZfJy4mWIc7Cft1I6okjMe9r3BOfKftyAii7gJfN26E

But how do we get into the position where we can electrify everything?

See voting above.

And finally, don’t waste your precious time trying to convince ClimateCrisis deniers that we’re in a fight for our lives – they’re too far gone down the Rabbit Hole.

Thanks to the ongoing efforts of evil ‘humans’ such as Rupert Murdoch and the KOCH Brothers et al, the deniers are part of the problem and are not capable of absorbing anything other than propaganda fed to them from the ruling 1%.

Instead, use your valuable time to join or help mobilize like-minded awake allies to PROTEST and HIT THE STREETS!

Yes, walk the talk.

Extinction Rebellion and Just Stop Oil are two of the most effective organizations in this area who are achieving real results.

So join the RESISTANCE!

And why do that? Because it WORKS. See this: https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20190513-it-only-takes-35-of-people-to-change-the-world

As Margaret Mead, the notable Anthropologist, said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.”

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Wow. I wish I could like this more than once. Not even kidding. Thank you for all the links. I will do some reading. And then some writing. And also -- thank you for the time it surely must have taken to go collect all those links and information for me. It's very appreciated.

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Jul 16, 2023Liked by Linda Caroll

You're welcome my friend (- if I may be so bold?)

And your appreciation as a professional writer means a lot to me, so thank YOU :)

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You may be so bold, indeed. I might dare say it's not even bold. You always arrive with good stuff in your arms. (and you're very welcome!!)

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Brilliantlly writtern @EsportsWomen. Thank you.

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Jul 14, 2023Liked by Linda Caroll

I can think of one Medium writer my son calls "that doomsday guy. Don't read him, mom. He just upsets you." BUT I don't think he's one of those types you're mentioning - tho he usually focuses on bad news. It's that my filter is so thin. Empath stuff, I guess. Oh, the despair! We each need to do our part - every country, every person. I know there's a book out there giving steps by steps but googling just now I can't find it

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lol your son. There's probably more than one doomsday guy. I can think of a few off the top of my head.

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deletedJul 14, 2023Liked by Linda Caroll
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Yeah, agree on so much awareness. We don't need to be more aware of the tatas. We all know about tatas. Last paragraph is it in a nutshell. Tell us what to freaking DO, stop saying we're all too stupid to do anything. Christ.

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And what, apropos your article, pray tell, do you think the biggest selling commodity in the world is m'dear? Sadly, it's fear. Sells like wildfire.

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True enough.

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deletedJul 14, 2023Liked by Linda Caroll
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Yup, I talked to my kid about it young, too. Mommy works in marketing, you should know about this. lol.

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Jul 14, 2023·edited Jul 14, 2023Liked by Linda Caroll

Do writers have a responsibility for what they write? I think we do. That doesn't necessarily mean having an answer for everything (and lord knows there's enough hot takes on the 'net already).

But what strikes me as incredibly cynical are the writers that continue to push doom porn because they know it'll get clicks and $$$. They know that anger & fear keeps us online longer than anything else, and they've received that signal loud & clear in their stats. I'd take that further and say they have a vested interest in not solving things like climate change & COVID. Ever notice how few calls to action there are in those articles?

Separately, I'm sorry to hear that the smoke is back! The Air Quality here was brutal a couple of weeks ago. It looked almost foggy, except it was midday and burned your eyes. And it was so, so quiet. I hope that ends soon for you!

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That's it exactly Kevin. Not with all, but with some of them, it's like they glory in it. Because it's all clicks and views and cash in pocket. And I have no issue with anyone earning money for writing, but bloody hell it shouldn't be by pushing fear buttons but it too often is. The winds have changed and it's lifted, a little, but it will be back. Because that's summer, now.

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As distasteful as selling fear is if it leads to change in policies to contain and reverse the impact humans are having on the climate I'm OK with that. Sadly, our species seems to react more to fear than hope. The forests and the oceans are sending a clear message to us all. We're running out of time.

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It's true, Michael. The key is leading to change. Some people say omg, the planet is on fire, and then tell us what to do. Other people say omg, the planet is on fire and y'all are too stupid to change anything. I know which one I'm going to read and it's not the latter.

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Jul 14, 2023Liked by Linda Caroll

Frankly, I’m at a loss for words. Just feeling sad for “y’ouse” Canadians (y’ouse is a Philly idiom, like the south’s “y’all.”). And feeling sad for the rest of all sentient beings here on earth.☹️

I will pray for rain for y’ouse Canadians. 🙏🙏🙏

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I read that they can't breathe the air in parts of the USA because of Canada's fires. I hear it's pretty bad in Minnesota and Chicago because of Ontario. When you typed y'ouse, I can hear that with a Jersey twang. I used to work with a guy there, and he said it a lot too. lol

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Jul 14, 2023Liked by Linda Caroll

Yes, we have issues w/air quality here as well- we specifically last month. Glad you can hear youse with a Jersey twang. A lot of folks says “youse guys.”

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I've lived through the blood-ash skies of wildfires in California as well as relentless heat and drought in the Southwest, and it's hard to fully express just how awful it is, and how close to despair it can drive one to think this may be the new reality. I am so very sorry you and so many others, human and animal, are staggering under this burden. I pray for rain, I pray for sanity, I pray for our planet to somehow return to life-sustaining health.

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That's it exactly, Jan. Waking up and looking outside and seeing the smoke hanging there -- it borders on despair, for sure. It's shifted a bit here, winds changed, but it's so often now it feels like part of summer. And that sucks.

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It does indeed. Now that we're living in Idaho again, everyone in the southern Treasure Valley region (where Boise is) just accepts that wildfire smoke is part of summer. We haven't had any yet, ironically enough, but we all know it's just a matter of time. Stay well.

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Sorry to hear you all are going through this. Don't allow Big Lumber to exploit this to harvest old-growth trees: https://eastbayexpress.com/flame-and-fortune-its-trees-vs-fire-in-an-attempt-to-get-ahead-of-californias-pending-summer-of-smoke/

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Thank you so much for that link. I will go and read it. I've learned so much just in comments to this post and thanks for adding to that. :)

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Forest-derived biomass is a growing industry. https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-63089348 "A company that has received billions of pounds in green energy subsidies from UK taxpayers is cutting down environmentally-important forests, a BBC Panorama investigation has found.

Drax runs Britain's biggest power station, which burns millions of tonnes of imported wood pellets - which is classed as renewable energy.

The BBC has discovered some of the wood comes from primary forests in Canada.

The company says it only uses sawdust and waste wood."

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Jul 14, 2023Liked by Linda Caroll

Californian here. The first time I recall having to deal with a wildfire smoke event like this was in 2017 (actually, that was when I was visiting Washington state, but later that year it came to California too). For a while, I wondered in the back of my head if it'd be a good idea to move to the East Coast to escape these wildfire smoke events if they got worse over time. Well, looks like nowhere in North America is safe now.

I've adapted to wildfire smoke personally (air purifiers + respirators) like many of my fellow Californians, but you're right that the wildlife doesn't have that technology. Since California has had wildfires as part of the ecology for a long time, the wildlife has some adaptations (such as fleeing at the first whiff of smoke) & most wild creatures survive the initial fires. But that's not necessarily true in ecosystems where wildfires aren't a regular thing.

I hope those birds have found a refuge and will return when it's safe.

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Oh Sara, I'm so sorry you've had to just adapt - and that so many of us have had to. It's shifted a little here. Not entirely, and I know it will be back but for now it's a nice reprieve. It's just horrible and I need to write about this more I think. As in, what we can do about it.

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I think it’s called doomscrolling these days, and I can’t help but agree. It’s not even raising awareness anymore. Because it’s like, believe me, we all KNOW what’s happening because it’s right in our faces and we can’t ignore it.

(Side note, I didn’t know you were Canadian! Howdy from the west coast.)

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My kiddo calls it doomscrolling too. It's like when every channel broadcast the towers falling over and over for days and people couldn't stop watching. It must be pretty awful where you are with so much of BC on fire. Maybe not today, but too many days.

Howdy from the middle of nowhere on the prairies! :)

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It’s gotten pretty bad some years, but where I am, we haven’t had any “everything is sepia” days so far in 2023. We’re trying to enjoy that while we can. I hope the air clears up soon for you!

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I think writers do have a responsibility for their words. During the constant barrage of news about the Vietnam War teenagers were committing suicide because they thought we were heading for another World War and there was no hope for the future.

I will block anyone who constantly posts gloom and doom, and the end is near.

Eldridge Cleaver said, "There is no more neutrality in the world. You either have to be part of the solution, or you're going to be part of the problem". Although he was speaking about the civil rights movement to me this is a universal truth.

Also praying for rain in Alberta through the rays of a blood-red sun.

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Sorry for your condition in Canada. There's much to said about so many strange things happening around the world. I hate saying this, but I'm afraid all this could have a political connection. I'm a conspiracy theory nut. But I'm finding the explanation there and nowhere else. I hope condition improve soon, but I have my doubts.

Always enjoy you writing and agree with you using tragic things for clicks. I'm not a fan using tricks for clicks. I tried writing a post about it buy the title wasn't a trick.

Wishing you the best it could be until conditions improve. Stay safe.

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