Will be looking forward to your tutorials!

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Thanks, Yana!

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“Every time I hear someone kvetching about Medium or the boost program, I wish I could make them a boost nominator for 30 days”

Ready when you are 😁

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lol. I don't get to pick. If I did, the party would commence shortly.

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You have a wealth of knowledge to impart. But more importantly, and what I value most, is your commitment to priority, quality, and craft.

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Thanks, Roman. That means a lot coming from you. In a world of algorithm driven nonsense, craft is everything. And writing is a craft with no masters. We're all still learning.

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Does the boost program go through publications only? Does Medium boost independently published articles?

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May 17·edited May 17Author

Yes, they boost independently published articles. I know, I've nominated some of them. There's also nominators assigned specifically to look outside of pubs. And nominators aren't the only ones watching. The curators find roughly half the stories that get boosted and they also look for and boost independently published articles.

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May 17Liked by Linda Caroll

Debbie Walker at Middle-Pause works 6 hours a day being a booster. She can't even write her own stories. I'm editor for M-P on the weekend. I work on structure. Now, I'm "BOLDLY" picking a sentence out of a paragraph and make it a subhead, so that the writer can see how this helps shape the story. I comment with whaddya think? I erase concerns about the Boost program from my mind. I'm helping the writer tell their story better. This helps them feel heard--which BOOSTS their confidence--which improves their storytelling. The relationship can wait for the results they get from my recommendations. Which are polar opposites from the other editors at M-P (btw)

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Yup, there's a lot of that, Margie. The Parasol team works crazy hours, too. Lot of good people in the boost program, people who care about helping writers grow. Last month I nominated double my quota. Didn't get paid for half the boosts because the quota is on pay not labor.

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May 17Liked by Linda Caroll

So, it's piecework like the 19th century. Exhausting.

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lol Margie. Well, it's totally optional. I can stop at my 20 if I want to. But if I see good posts going up that deserve a boost, I will nominate right until the month is done. Because if I can help a strongly written piece reach more readers, why wouldn't I, you know?

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Sounds like a plan

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Most nominators I’ve met in the BOOST program want to help writers be better! So glad you said this!

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May 17Liked by Linda Caroll

Exactly this! This is a big part of how we choose nominators for the program -- we look to see that editors are running publications where they're very actively working with their writer community, doing both education and editing.

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Love this. I firmly believe editing is a proactive process, not a reactive one. We should be educating our writers before, during, and after. Cyclical education and mentorship.

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I'll be waiting and watching.

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Thanks, Taressa. :)

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May 17Liked by Linda Caroll

Linda, thank you for being such a great partner in the Boost Nomination Pilot. Both this post and your previous post do such a great job of educating folks on how it works (and how challenging it truly is!).

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Thank you Ariel. That means a lot coming from you. Loved your work on the Offbeat Network long before Medium and love what you're doing on Medium just as much. Thanks for what you do, too. :)

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Interesting material! The part that resonates most with me is that working on writing might be a better investment in time than finding hacks to get more views. I'm not currently on Medium, but I imagine that particular idea is also applicable on Substack.

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That's it exactly Bill. Working on writing is always the best investment. Not just Medium, but here on Substack, too.

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Thanks for writing Medium tutorials, Linda! They will be great!

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Thanks Karen, nice of you to say. :)

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May 17Liked by Linda Caroll

Question--and I promise it isn't sour grapes (A. I don't drink and B. I'm hoping the answer is Yes lol)

It's about this -- "In the last year, I’ve gained over 20K followers. I credit that to what I’ve learned from being part of the Boost Beta program."

Isn't a good part of that due to name recognition from long tenure + status as a nominator and reliable mentor for Medium writers?

I've been plugging away for about 9 months and I'm hoping that, at some point, some exponential growth kicks in ... am I SOL?

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You made me laugh. No, I don't see your question as sour grapes at all. When I first joined the boost nomination program I didn't tell anyone. There are many people in the program who have not publicized their participation. I hid mine for a long time. I was afraid if I didn't nominate my writers, they'd have hurt feelings.

But even once I did announce it, there was no surge in followers. What I did notice is that my writing changed. When I wrote a good piece, I'd see the follows coming in. So I truly do credit the growth with learning from what the curators do and don't boost.

And no, you are not SOL. That's truly how it happens. It starts in trickles and then goes up from there. If you are game to share your profile link, I'll see if I can make any suggestions to help. :)

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Oh my gosh--thanks so much! For your response and the offer of help :)


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Your posts are always a wake up call and a reminder. Thanks Linda

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Thanks Lewis, I appreciate that you come read, too. :)

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"Every time I hear someone kvetching about Medium or the boost program, I wish I could make them a boost nominator for 30 days. Go ahead, go boost all your friends. Let me know how that works for you. lmao."


As for the people moaning about Boosting being paid work? I'm so over it. They can pound sand. I used to go check out their writing--maybe I was missing someone, yaknow? In 99/100 cases, it simply wouldn't make the cut.

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Yeah. Medium today isn't remotely close to the days when the payment program was new and a tiny handful of staff could scan everything that went up to "curate" it. February I think 2.4 million posts went up on the platform. Don't know how to wrap my head around that.

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I don't know if it's possible to answer this because if it's a thing, it's probably a closely guarded secret, but does shadow banning on Medium exist? If it does, does it ever expire or is one forever condemned to oblivion?

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Oh Denise, I'm glad you brought that up. I've heard lots of people talking about supposed shadow banning. Funny thing, though. One fellow who told me flat out he's darn sure he's shadow banned recently had a post with so many views and likes compared to the rest of his posts I can't believe it's not boosted. If there is any such thing, I would imagine it would be topics. Not people. But. That said. I'm going to dig in a little. See what I can learn.

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I know someone else who is convinced she’s been shadow banned and been very vocal about it. Then she got a boost. I told her it was probably to shut her up. lol

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I wish you knew how hard I'm laughing.

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Knowing how you bring the goods with absolutely no BS, I'm here for any Medium wisdom you're willing to dispense, Linda!

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Thanks Jan, what a nice thing to say! xox

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Great work Linda! It's important to keep addressing the misconceptions. They won't ever disappear completely, but people need to hear the truth. It's tough when big names on other platform spread misinformation, but there's nothing we can do about that. As it stands today, Medium can provide a ton of visibility for great stories that simply won't be seen anywhere else. That's something really special!

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I so agree Walter. All we can do is keep talking. I had a boosted story that hit 200K views. Darn near made me cry. Where else would I get views like that? It is really special. It's not perfect. But there are upsides and downsides to all platforms

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I'm looking forward to your tutorials. You have proven yourself as a trusted, knowledgeable, and effective teacher. I appreciate your insights and always walk away with new insights and a better understadning of the writing craft. Thank you.

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Thanks Kathryn. I slogged so hard, I figure the least I can do is give a hand up when I can.

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