This is full of truth. It's been like that from the beginning, but as you previously pointed out, Medium is now encouraging readers to leave our story and read something else. Those like boxes that display links to other stories are just one way they tempt readers.

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Oh God, Tree -- I hate that SO much. That stupid "related" box really needs to go!!

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I kinda think that we (writers) should move if we're not happy rather than keep dissecting the payment plan. There comes a point when we have to realize that no amount of complaining via "Medium hate" stories are going to subliminally penetrate the algorithm lol. Those writers who have already moved on are the ones who stopped complaining and took action to control their own destiny.

I've been doing well on Medium considering my low effort lately due to lack of time. I still made $300 last month with very little time spent. I can't complain, however, I'm making the move to serial newsletterist over the next few months as well. I'll always post on Medium but will rely less and less on it in future.

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I'm torn because I've seen Medium make changes based on feedback. But, I think the feedback has to have some basis in reality. When people say stuff like "traffic is down" that's not concrete. Often when other people complain that theirs is down, mine is not. But all of that said, Medium requires a LOT of effort to keep income flowing. I will probably write there for as long as it exists, but need to do better at not neglecting the other stuff I do. I haven't finished a new font or graphics pack in a year. Need to ration my time better.

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I hear you. We put things on the back burner to focus on Medium but it doesn't return the favor sometimes.

The best thing Medium EVER did for me was create a gigantic back catalog that I can now dissect into niches for work elsewhere. I have big writing plans for the new year and I have Medium to thank for it.


Now, onto the newsletter I was supposed to send this morning that I haven't written yet lol.

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Good idea... I should do that too. Now go write. I'll keep my email open. lol

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Dec 11, 2021Liked by Linda Caroll

I don't earn squat...but few poets ever have so I'm resigned tho open to options that would change this Reality for me/my fellow poets FOR GENERATIONS TO COME. (May as well aim big)

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I think part of the struggle is the nature of how we read poetry. I don't sit down and just read a poetry book front to back like a novel. You know? It's the kind of thing I'll pick up and read one or two and then just let those feed me awhile. Does that make sense?

So, while that works for a book, it probably doesn't work as well on a platform like Medium. I've often pondered on how to make poetry pay better. The only poetry of mine that paid anything even remotely decent is when I paired it with an essay.

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This is so simple and disturbing. I've been saying to my wife that I will stick around on Medium and am happy to see many writers leaving because it means I might have a chance to make some money. We'll see. I thought it was panning out. So far this month I have had more reads than in the past couple of months combined and yet, if the Medium calculations are correct, I am making far less money than ever before. At least I am reaching more people, and for that, I am grateful.

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Here's a funny. (not really) In the quote I copied, Medium goes on to give an example of how to "succeed" on the platform. They say if a writer writes on a very esoteric topic (say, fly fishing) and readers come to Medium specifically to read that writer on that topic - then that's the way to earn most because the reader won't be reading a bunch of other stories.

That strikes me as dumb. Because once a writer pays their $5/month, of course they will read more. Seems to me that fly fish writer would do better on Substack than Medium and makes me wonder if they've thought through their own model very well.

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That is a good one....or not! Ugh. As so many others are saying, I hope they make some positive changes soon. I get they have to have a money-making business model for them, but it needs to work for their writers, too. If the writers are happy, certainly the readers will be, too.

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The real kicker is that they say they don't keep any of the fees and it all goes to writers. Supposedly their money comes from investor funding. When they then spend on celebrities and people who only ever write there once to win a challenge. lol. All I know is that a lot of people are struggling right now and I agree -- hope they make some good changes soon.

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I'm an old white Boomer, which pretty much destroys any credibility I might have. I have a short list of writers that I really value, and read every day. As you have pointed out, on Medium this effectively punishes them. If they were best selling authors making huge bucks, I wouldn't care. However all of my favorites are struggling artists, living in figurative garrets trying to scratch out a living. Being a "pensioner", I'm a LONG way from being rich. But I do support those favorites that have a Patreon page. Some of them offer perks for supporters, but that's not why I do it. If I could give each of my top five $1 a month via Patreon, Ko-fi, etc. it would be meaningful to them, while costing me a mere $5 over my Medium fee. That's a latte at Fourbucks, er Starbucks, in today's inflationary times. It won't kill me, but it might feed them. Sadly only one of my five offers this option, but I continue to urge the others to follow.

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I think a lot of people hesitate with Patreon because there's an expectation of content output that comes with sponsorship. After a while, it all gets exhausting. Which would be fine if it paid the bills, but when it doesn't, it gets too much.

First sentence - lol.

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This is exactly the reason I've never moved to Patreon. I hate commitment lol. It feels too much like pressure.

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Right? Same.

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deletedDec 10, 2021Liked by Linda Caroll
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Yup - total member read time, modified by the number of stories each reader has read that month. Medium once said they don't keep any of the member fees and that it all goes into the writer's pay pool. Not sure if that's changed.

Last sentence - lol.

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