Sep 23, 2022·edited Sep 23, 2022Liked by Linda Caroll

Did you tell the writer “ I’d miss her if she threw in the towel?” In the immortal words of the goddess Joni Mitchell, “…you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone (Big Yellow Taxi song).

From the four Canadians I know through their compositions (you, Joni Mitchell, Neil Young) or through friendship ( the husband of a dear friend), ya’ll have that illusive quality of ‘heart.’

This was an informative piece. Thank you.

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Sep 23, 2022Liked by Linda Caroll

I always read and enjoy your emails, Linda. But I’m also guilty of not always clicking the heart.

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Jeez, sorry for most of the time not clicking at the end. I'll try to do better.

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Now that you mention it, I find myself guilty of not commenting too, frequently.

Sometimes it's because I don't feel like I have anything to add. And, commenting "Thanks for sharing your story" is, well, nothing more than clapping or hitting the ❤️ icon. However I might add that as the last line of a longer comment.

Interesting numbers you have pointed out!

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It is lovely when readers take the time to comment. I also take open rates as a response. If my open rates are steadily growing, and I'm not getting a lot of unsubscribes, I consider that a positive sign.

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Sep 23, 2022Liked by Linda Caroll

I've been writing long enough that I know that crickets doesn't mean a lack of appreciation. Would I prefer a response, even a 'like' (or the equivalent)? Yes, for sure. But it bothers me less now than it did years ago.

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you’re right.

thanks for the reminder😊

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Sep 23, 2022Liked by Linda Caroll

I usually click on the heart or clap 50 times but I'm not a big commenter--I feel like I need to say something that adds to the conversation. But come to think of it I always appreciate when someone comments just to say they liked the story, that it resonated in some way. So if I appreciate it, I bet others would too. All that to say, I liked this story Linda, and thanks for the reminder! :)

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Oh Linda, I know that feeling of a draft that just doesn't work on the day I send out my newsletter. I do appreciate how you framed writing what resonates at the moment, the conversation only meant for this day and time. I also know the silence that comes after hitting publish. Your reflections today remind me that we never know the length of our reach. We want measurable proof of the worth of our words. Leaving a little heart or a few claps serves as one more way we can be good literary citizens. The smallest gestures can inspire and strengthen the resolve of our fellow writers and readers. Kindness shows up in many forms. Here's an extra ❤ just because!

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I think it depends on the platform. On Medium (still a member, but only for a very few that I like) I used to issue claps with abandon until I learned they mean little to the author in the way of money. For those I support via subscription here on Substack, or via Patreon, I try to always tap the like button (if I liked it) and comment. All too often I'm the only commenter. Sometimes I'll wait a day or two to let others have a chance, but that rarely happens. Maybe it's partly due to the hypersensitivity that is rampant these days, and nobody wants to hurt feelings, or worse say something that gets them cancelled. When I tap the heart, it's from the heart. And those that I pay deserve to know how I feel about their work. Some may think that just paying for a publication is feedback enough, until you realize that $50 a year (which is generally the highest) doesn't go very far to offering up a living wage unless there are a LOT of subscribers. Writing is definitely not a path to riches, Stephen King et al notwithstanding. You do it because you love it, and maybe have to do it. However that doesn't get you anything at the grocery store. As one of the few I subscribe to here on Substack, know that if/when you choose to put a price to your work, I'm in.

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Sep 23, 2022Liked by Linda Caroll

I always click the heart and then have trouble getting Substack to authenticate my email address. This is actually the first time the email has arrived. It's hoop-jumping that deters me. But here I am to say thank you. I read your articles on Medium and always read your newsletters. Your writing is always informative and entertaining. So... thank you.

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I always read your posts, even if I don't click the heart....

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You took the thoughts right out of my brain! Is anyone actually reading my newsletter? Do they enjoy it? Ugh! I appreciate you noting that doing nothing is human nature.

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So true. Awareness of a problem is the first step in solving it. I will pay attention to that little heart at the end. The feelings are always there but not the action. Thank you for poking the bear.

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I'm a commenter. Descendant of a long line of big mouths. :) And if I don't comment, it's because I'm crazy busy or crazy tired after a long day - brain kaput! fingers balking.

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You know, if you grew up reading magazine articles, you read one and turned the page. Comments were made to friends, not the author. That said, I have, indeed, come to enjoy clicking on the little hearts and hands. I'd encourage everyone to do it.

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