
What are you doing right? Your articles are always interesting, entertaining, engaging. They are valuable, useful. Your stories and examples are applicable and helpful. And I love the conversational tone of your articles and stories... fun, playful, confident, knowledgeable. I feel grateful for the quality and quantity of your content and always look forward to reading what you have to say. I know I will learn and grow from it.

Warm regards



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You asked what you’re doing right? Why do I read your emails? Why haven’t I zeroed in on that tiny gray Unsubscribe link?

Well, I do unsubscribe from a lot of the mailing lists I sign up for. I have to. I get so many emails promising me miracles that sometimes they leak out of my phone. And when I get too impatient to stop stuffing them back into the sides of my Samsung, I start hacking away at my inbox.

But every time, yours makes the cut. Why?

1) You add honest-to-God value. Not clickbait – real words of wisdom from a writer who knows what she’s talking about.

2) You don’t funnel every story into a hard (or even soft) sell for your products or ones you can’t live without (and with which you are coincidentally affiliated).

3) Your emails are well thought out and structured so my tired eyes can read them. Short sentences, pointed subheadings, lots of white spaces. I don’t open one, groan, and flip over to Facebook.

4) You state hard truths and force me to think.

5) You grab my attention with a fun, chatty writing style that keeps me reading.

I might fall for the clickbait titles a few times from those who say they want to help me succeed. Once…twice…perhaps even three times before I realize how gullible I am. But I do eventually weed them out.

However, there are a few who deliver what they promise. And yours is one.

That’s what you do right.

You deliver what you promise.

Wow, why didn’t I just say that at the beginning?

I hope that helps. Keep doing what you do.

Joni - www.lifeunflaked.com

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What inspires me to comment? It varies, of course with the content of the essay or opinion piece.

If a writer has introduced a perspective on a topic that I hadn’t considered before, I am grateful for that new perspective and will therefore (usually) make a comment.

Also, the obverse (that is, a very limited perspective which indicates a biased view OR a factually incorrect one) might compel me to comment. In such a case, it’s likely that I will leave a couple of citations/references to broaden the writer’s perspective.

FYI: I appreciate your level of engagement with your readers!!

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Great questions! Usually I read to learn something, to connect, or to be entertained. You manage to (sincerely) do all three a lot of the time-there’s always value in what you have to say.

I usually comment on articles that do one of those things. There’s often an element of surprise, too, when I’m moved to comment-at a new perspective, idea, willingness of the writer to be vulnerable, etc. It makes me want to thank them, or add to the conversation in some way.

Thanks for asking :)

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What [are you] doing right? Linda, I enjoy your voice and the information you share. When I'm reading your posts it feels like we're having a conversation while belly-up at the local pub. The information you share about writing has been extremely helpful. My favorite? The article listing the 10 free photo sites. Outstanding!

I'd be honored if you'd link my story:


Mucho thanks!

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Great newsletter, Linda.

Why do I read your newsletter?- I get a lot of newsletters in my inbox. You are one of the rare ones I read. You offer value to me. I learn something that benefits me. I love how you explain cultural issues on Medium. I grow.

You also interact with your commenters. You develop a relationship and remember them. I feel like I’m real to you. I’m not just a faceless person.

I look forward to seeing your letter in my inbox. Thank you for asking!

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I love your headlines, and the fact that your content is candid and not preachy keeps me coming back. I think I have a select few newsletters I regularly watch for, and yours is one of them.

Thanks so much!

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Your opening story is a perfect example. You called out the idea stealer - that will leave me smiling for days. Then, you tied into your ask brilliantly. All of your content is on topic and well researched. You're consistent.

I missed this piece earlier, which leads me to FOMO, fear of missing out when I find something you wrote a week or a month ago. I'd love to attach a bell to your content.

You make me think and feel. Whether it's happiness, anger, or sadness, there's a sense of humanity in it. You care, and it comes through loud and clear. We love you.

Sorry, I was late - can you work on that bell idea?

P.S. I'd always help you no incentive needed.


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Thanks for asking. I'm very curious to read the replies as I'm on the verge of designing my own substack newsletter. Here goes.

What inspires you to interact with a writer? Vulnerable, real writing.

What makes a newsletter good, vs. a dud? Again, vulnerable real writing that doesn't try to push an agenda, make a sale or spam my in box. Clear ideas in a well edited article that focuses on a single idea at a time.

What am I doing right? Well, besides #1 and #2, you're engaging, have a sense of humor and you are helpful. I learn from what you write.

Also, I follow several other newsletters but sometimes don't have time to read them, so they are deleted. Yours is never deleted. I always make my way back to your words.

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Hi Linda, I've been enjoying your Substack newsletters for several months now because: 1) It feels like you're writing from your heart to mine; 2) They are always intelligently written, discussing current topics in the world and on Medium; 3) You encourage us to be respectful and kind to each other, even when dealing with large differences of opinion; and 4) You bring out the best in us. I always feel better for having read your words that day. Thank you so much for your work and kind spirit.

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I'm glad I can respond here. Having a problem with access to Medium. Content disappears a few seconds after I click on the Title. Frustrating because not only am I unable to respond or clap but am unable to access the content. Despite suggestions from Medium help (although prompt and professional) I am still unable to access content. I hope to be able to comment on your work and that of my other favorite writers. Thank you for letting me vent.

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I believe I've said this here (or on Medium) before, but I read two Substacks religiously - yours and Heather Cox Richardson's Letters from an American. You have a perspective on writing and marketing that provides real value and avoids the kind of hype that pervades my Medium feed (while helping me better understand both the mechanisms that put the hype in my feed and how to avoid emulating it). And, your commentary on societal issues is very personal and compelling, because it shows your heart. There isn't enough of that right now amongst the vitriol and division, and I'm grateful for you.

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I've signed up for a few newsletters. If I drop one, it's usually for one of two reasons: 1. The content keeps repeating, 2. I feel like I'm constantly being upsold. You do neither of those things. I also read your articles fairly often. I actually look forward to your Friday newsletter. Your free 25 Tips for Medium is something I refer to often. Why is your newsletter so successful? It's not a lot of hot air and marketing. It's full of links to useful and interesting stories. You don't drone on and on about yourself. I think that's about it! Thanks, Linda! https://denisesheltonwrites.com/

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You're one of the best writers on Medium. I read all your articles because they are so clearly written and have content I can use. Even your rants are a expressed so articulately, they are a pleasure to read. Always, I come away with a lesson or idea I can use to make me a better writer, and a better person. You're a touchstone for my wellbeing during these strange, and dangerous, times. I copy and share more of your postings than any other because they often speak to the heart as well as the mind. Thanks for your work, Linda.

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It is simple, really. I learn something new from reading Linda's posts. She does research and shares her insights. Her posts stand out as valuable treasure chests of knowledge in a pile of regurgitated garbage. I appreciate that she engages with readers, but even if she didn't I would keep reading. https://georgeannsack.com/

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edit: I learn something new from reading Linda's posts and newsletters

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To be really honest, I don't know you. Yet I read all emails, till the very end. I mean I don't remember when but I read one of your articles and signed up. And rarely do I read any of your other articles on Medium. But I don't miss an email. never. It just feels like you meet me in person and talk like a friend. I don't remember what else do I read that I don't skim. Great job. I seriously wanna know how I can do it for my Substack (theciva.substack.com)(under development)

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