Jul 31, 2020Liked by Linda Caroll

Thank you, Linda. I look for your weekly updates. Always a helpful read.

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Thank you, too, Kerry. The conversations I have here are about the nicest way to wrap up a work week. I appreciate you. :)

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I LOVED this issue. I need things that entertain and stimulate my mind. These random facts were really good, especially the blaming Trump/voting for him lol. I have my fingers crossed for you Americans come election season.

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Thanks, Kristi. I was in a brain pong sort of place this week, and glad you enjoyed it. Not sure if I've ever mentioned, but I'm a Canuck like you. Just watching across the border, with popcorn and commentary. lol.

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Jul 31, 2020Liked by Linda Caroll

No, I don't think I knew you were Canadian!

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Linda you have won my heart and I want to win yours, how can I help the writing glitch of a Pharmacist come to your saviour😱😱😣

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I read two Substack newsletters: Heather Cox Richardson's Letters from an American, and yours. Well done, and thank you.

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Love how you think! Thanks!

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You're right, people who voted Republican are responsible for Trump's corruption of the American state. The problem though is Trump ran with it and has completely dismantled the American justice system single handedly - that's on him and his government cronies.

For your readers who vote Republican/Trump: https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2017/01/donald-trump-scandals/474726/

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Thank you, Linda! That was fun.

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Great one this week!

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