Another great article. The popularity of the male bloggers’ generic advice bothers me too.

If I write too much on the same topic I get bored. I like to change things up. I don’t know how they are churning out so much content.

Anyway, in regards to your question. I’m editing a full-length manuscript. With another ready for editing right behind it.

No, i don’t have general questions. My interests in how to do what I’m doing more successfully. I’m collecting email names, sending out newsletters, blogging, and engaging with my followers on social media, in preparation to market this book(s),

How do I do all of this more effectively? What don’t I know? I’d love to learn more about that.

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I'm writing my first book about sailing adventures post-corporate life. My initial marketing is in attempting to develop a 'following' of sorts by publishing a weekly (mostly) newsletter chronicling my adventures (and misadventures). I'm learning about what resonates through their feedback and will incorporate it into the book which I have little time for now between boat projects and the newsletter. What I do not have a plan for is how to expand that base so I'll be very interested to learn more from your book. BTW, sailboats are terrible investments and anything less than complete devotion to adventure at sea will leave you frustrated, disappointed, and broke! Thanks for your insights.

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Marketing ... Oh marketing. The attempt of others to try and make sure you think you have a problem so they can provide a solution which will help eliminate their problem ... not enough money.

I am generally a skeptic when I see/hear/read a pitch. I filter it carefully through my own scientific approach to anything I see to make sure it seems true without too much of an ulterior motive and the facts make sense. If it passes these tests then I ask myself is it something I might want.

So ... if you try you can create a marketing plan to deceive your target audience so they can believe you have something you are selling or you can say "this is what it does ... you decide if that makes sense".

If you have something of value it hopefully will be successful on its own merits.

Pardon my rant and good luck with your book.


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Write a book and then offer your evaluation services, once the person has read your book and put your guidelines into practice.

A teacher wants a motivated student. You can either take them on as a client or point them to the correct raft of creatives who do that work. I have found my artist for my book cover(s). I'll see if he is good at graphics. If he is, then we will be together until he wants to bail. I want an author page that feels like a visit to a favorite museum. I want my marketing to evolve out of that.

On my first go-round, my colors were pink, brown and a creamy white. My daughter laughed and said "Baskin-Robbins?" I felt sheepish until I realized that everyone likes comfort foods!

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Good day, Linda! Another good one. Always learn something from you. And I'm so relieved to "hear," you say that Google searching could be a waste of time. This is what's going on with me...my novel is due to see the light of day on March 18, 2021. My publisher already requested that I do the blitz thing. Of course, my cluelessness kicked right in and with it a heart that's palpitating excessively.

Being an introvert, I always shied away from asking people for things. But I'm finding myself asking whomever I come across to sign on to my website. But first, I made sure that my website is polished before sending documents that pretty much beg potential readers to preorder my novel. I don't know if what I'm doing is the right thing, but I do agree with you that the "HOW TO's" on Medium are annoying. They all sound the same. Matter of fact, I don't even read them. Because who made these people an expert on the things they write. For all I know, they go on Google and "lift" stuff from there. I don't know if I can afford you, but I'm willing to sharpen my ears and listen. How can I contact you?

I've been spending so much time thinking about what to do with this novel that I've neglected the novel in process and it kills me.

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My writing journey feels like a two-sided puzzle. The pieces are there but I don't know how they go together.

With the changes in Medium, I start to doubt myself. Should I be there, should I resurrect the blog on my website. Is there something I don't know?

After I write, it goes through ProWritingAid and Grammarly because I don't trust myself. I have the paid version for both. They don't agree with each other on some points and then I over edit.

The Ultimate Tag Guide is on my desk so I don't forget to use the tags.

I stink at headlines and subtitles. I've read a recommended post on improving, but when I'm trying to put it all together I go into overwhelm.

The writing doesn't overwhelm me, it's all the supporting pieces. When I work on a puzzle, I like working on the inside pieces. My hubby does the border first. Does it matter?

Last thing, I don't feel that I have a good (any) strategy in place to attract readers.

Hope my answer didn't make you sorry you asked ;)

- Denise

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How do I get my book reviewed in the media? I have seen various suggestions about who to approach, including

book bloggers - I am now following three book bloggers, but suspect I will be getting a lot of info I don't want, and very little info about how to request a review.

local newspaper - I will try this, but all their reviews seem to be supplied by Associated Press.

university alumni magazines - haven't seen any book reviews in my alumni magazine, but they do carry features on alumni who are authors. (Famous alumni who are authors of important books - mine is a humorous autofictional novel aimed at the YA market.)

I have also read conflicting advice to send prospective reviewers hardcopies at least three months prior to publication, and also provide info on the price and where your book is available for sale.

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