Linda, I get your disappointment and it makes complete sense, and anyway a big part of Tony is that 1) he's a salesman 2) he's delusional and 3) he's hoping for the best. So take what he says with a grain of salt or the extra pennies you might earn.

But my other reaction is that I would kill for your stats. You've spent years developing your following and even more years developing your trade. You are one of the finest writers I routinely read. I, on the other had, am early on in my writing journey (let's forget that I am 65). So kudos to you for being able to post those numbers. You are in a rarified group and I tip my cap... or my pen... or my laptop.

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Thanks for the compliment, Jill. The whole point is that when a post needs a boost to get a fraction of what it used to before the algorithm changed, that's pretty wild. My stats probably look pretty awful compared to the top writers there, though.

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So that goes back to my first point... I don't really buy what Tony is selling, which is sad, in a way, unless you never believed it to begin with.

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For me, it's not about whether to believe him. I think Tony inherited a sinking ship. People were screaming at Ev about the dramatic drops in views before he stepped down.

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Got it... never good to inherit a sinking ship. Probably why I stay ashore.

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I agree with Jill. Your stats are really impressive.

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Thanks Jim.

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I echo Jill. Wholeheartedly

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Curiouser and curiouser.

I got boosted on a story last month. Interestingly enough it was on the poems of Bukowski. It became my fourth best results on medium or low end on one of your screen caps. Funny about language - where I come from boosted also means having your car stolen. Hmm is there a correlation?

But I get your point - why does one need to get boosted to be where they once were on their own? My theory is the algorithm got changed to redirect the flow of views and reads because of $$$. Otherwise, why make a change with the direct result of frequently read writers getting less views and reads? Makes no sense from a brand perspective. (Hi, here at Safeway, we changed the aisles and layout of products so that 50% of our customers can't find what they want. ) Can you image that press release coming out?! I can't. No, the views and reads were redirected, like water being redirected to a select number of farms. It was intended. To flow more to certain writers? To reduce payouts and save the site?

The changes being made on Medium are wonky - they are always 20 degrees left of huh?! So, when confronted with wonky anomalies in an otherwise sensible environment - follow the money. That's a quote from granny. She was a smart cookie from Calabria. Cheers, Linda

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That's it exactly, Joe. Why do we now need a boost to get to where we were on our own before? Jessica Wildfire hasn't posted since January after a very strong post about not getting views anymore and she had 126K followers. That speaks volumes, to me. I think I'd have liked your granny.

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Mar 24, 2023Liked by Linda Caroll

Your complaining about those stats? I’ve never had a story get anywhere near the before.

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The greater question is why does it now take a boost to achieve what was possible without a boost before they changed the algorithm. The number is less relevant than the past/present comparison. You know?

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I mean I wouldn't mind your pre-boost stats these days one bit 😅, but given your follower count I get where you are coming from! My stats have all gone down across the board too, an occasional boost should I be so lucky is not going to make up the difference. Thanks for highlighting how a view boost these days no longer results in the read rate it once would have either.

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Apologies I just read the other comments, not to be repetitive or "stats shame" you! I think most of us can relate on a much smaller scale.

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It's all relative, right? My stats are nothing compared to the top writers. If some of them got my views, they'd leave in a huff. lol. The greater point is that no matter where we are, at the present it takes a boost to get the kind of views writers used to get before they started messing with the algorithm. And thanks... :)

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It's amazing to me that people (you mention Jessica Widlfire upthread) were making a living there, have left, and yet we are all for the most part still doing terribly compared to a year ago. Where is all of the money going, exactly? I do not buy any of Stubblebine's repeated deflections about the algorithm.

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This story seems like the sort of thing "boost" would send into the stratosphere. ChatGPT is obviously huge right now, there's a whole Tech-focused side of Medium most of us never see (according to Tony), and headlines/title articles always get traction. I don't get it?

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Thanks, Kevin. Would have been nice but nope. Just a little boost and then dipped right back down. And the 20% read rate reminds me of improv night at the comedy club. Tough crowd. lol

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And I’m still waiting for them to roll this out to more editors. Apparently, they’re up to 21 pubs now, but who knows?

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I imagine the more they add, the crazier it's going to be on the receiving end of the suggestions. More people = more vetting

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Yes, the same here. It's sad. I'm glad I started a Substack - !

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Right? It is sad. Views have dropped so much we now need to get a boost to get the kind of views we got a year ago.

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It seems as though they don't know what they're doing.

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Mar 24, 2023Liked by Linda Caroll

Boost seems counter productive for your type of writing.

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No boost emails here. I simply focus on engaging with poets/writers I admire and leave it at that. Again, as I've said 10k plus times, I'm fortunate I'm retired. I've also, frankly, retired my dream of supplementing my retirement income via Medium. I'm substitute teaching instead.

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I agree with the other comments on your stats Linda.

What I would like to see is the stories of those I follow on the following tab the day they post. Wouldn't that be awesome?

Because then I would have a chance too that my readers will see mine instead of relying on an email to to get to them outside of Medium.

Or the post I have to share on FB, and Twitter and LinkedIn to find the readers I used to have before the great changes. Feels like I have to work harder instead of smarter?

I liked the faces at the top telling me when my favorite writers posted, shouldn't the readers we worked for, reading our stories influence the algorithm to reach new readers?

Ok, that's my rant for today.

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I'm heading over to read your Charles Bukowski post.

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I think Tony is 'selling' a delusion.

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deletedMar 24, 2023Liked by Linda Caroll
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lol. Oh, trust me, I am not a girl on a yacht. If I'm lucky, I can pay my phone bill with it. The greater question is, where did all the traffic go? Why does it take a boost to get what was possible without one before they changed the algorithm?

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Holly, you just sent the ball out of the park! So well said. I am up to a venti coffee on good months :)

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