My website doesn't do a thing for me but I know why. It's because it's neglected and has zero focus. I've never known what to do with it lol.

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At present, mine is one page. And hasn't been updated for years. It's like that saying -- the shoemaker's kids always go barefoot.

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I'm just about to start building mine. It's on my list for this weekend. Must admit I have zero idea how to focus it. Looking forward to your article on what it should have!

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Yes on article from Linda!

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Well, once you put it up, would love to hear if it's working for you! Happy building. :)

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Thanks for asking. I have a blog that's very neglected. I dont sell anything so gathering emails seems pointless.

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lol, Tree. That's the world we live in, isn't it? I don't sell anything either. But I write about writing a lot and thought it would be nice to have a group of writers I could trade thoughts and ideas with.

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That's a great purpose!

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I started a blog in 2008 as a means to communicate with friends and family about the liver disease, hospital stays, and procedures plus just any stories I had to share. I kept it going till liver transplant in May 2016. Basically it's now a memoir of that period of time. Market it? I could to the transplant "family." There are lots of us, esp. if I include other types than liver. Or even chronic illnesses, plenty of those. I just don't know. I did turn into a "real writer" during this 11-year period - nothing else to do! But that had been my dream for so long - just afraid to make the leap. Wrote 2 romance novels, about 250 poems. Oh, I have a pandemi romance in the works. BUT I need a new blog - that I could properly market!

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Yup, sounds like you need a real author site for your books.

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Oct 22, 2021Liked by Linda Caroll

Linda- I have s blog- it was a two year travel blog - we spent the two years traveling the country in a 38 ft motor coach- fun but mostly “back home” and family readers. Now I’m writing cozy mysteries and would like to use the abandoned site as my author’s home base for my readers - can’t get motivated tho -I teach nursing students full time at a University. On sabbatical starting in January- maybe you’ll have a workshop or course by then- to get all of us back on tract! Just sayin...

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Sometimes I think motivation comes from expectation. Know what i mean? Like, if we expect something to have a good result, it's easy to feel motivated. But when we doubt whether there's a point to the effort, it's harder to feel motivated. I'm loving these conversations in here. :)

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Did you just look at my site? ;) It nearly made me cry last night.

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Why did it nearly make you cry?

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It's neglected, and I need to get rid of the section on working with people. I haven't posted in forever - to the point that I forgot what I even wrote. I wonder how I let so much time go by without challenging myself to do more.

I need to do some house-keeping on the site and whittle it down to the bare bones where it feels like ME again.

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Yup, that makes sense. It's why I only have one page right now. Didn't like any of what was there. :)

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I built a website in anticipation of needing one. I didn't think anyone ever went there, but recently, I've had emails from two people who did. I don't have a book to sell yet, so it's really just about who I am and what I do. Once I do have something to sell, I'll have to pay someone to help me set it up properly. Until then, I don't much see the point.

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I get that. If you know what you're going to sell, you could build in advance. But that said, I'm a fine one to talk with my outdated one page site. lol.

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Oct 22, 2021Liked by Linda Caroll

I have a Wordpress Blog (as in, it's hosted on Wordpress itself). Yes, it works for me, because my goal is 'blog about whatever I feel like.' Sometimes I only get a few readers, and that suits me fine. In fact, I'm surprised that my blog gets as many readers as it does.

When my novel becomes publishable (the current draft is not publishing quality), then I'll need a proper writer's website, so I'm really looking forward to your project.

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I will be very interested in your feedback when it's ready for early eyes on it. :)

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No website yet because - well, you know why already! :)

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I am laughing. Indeed.

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Did you ever read Nudge? Some of your points kind of reminded me of it. Good stuff!

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That's funny. No, I've never read it. Maybe I should.

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