This is why you have to subscribe to writers by e-mail if you want to read them, because Medium's homepage reflects their interests and not ours. Typical corporate stuff.

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When it works, though. I am thinking of one writer in particular. I signed up to get his posts by email. I rarely get them. He has trouble getting his publication emails to go out, too and ends up tagging all his writers. So the emails system seems glitchy, too.

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Oh, it totally is. I get one writer's work consistently. The rest have been hit & miss.

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There's a handful of Medium writers I've done that with, and it's really helped.

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I'm on Substack but my followers are mostly friends or people I picked up via Medium. I'd love tips on how to grow my list.

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I will do, Denise. I'll put together some tips and share both here and probably on Medium too. I could use the reminder to do them myself. lol

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Jan 20, 2023Liked by Linda Caroll

Thanks for this nudge. I’ve been considering substack for my podcast extras. This was the encouragement I needed.

Hey! On a separate note, my website is getting a major overhaul as we speak. Once a solid first design has been published, I’d love to know what you think. :) Wow, what a project it has been. Huge. Lol. Exhausting! It should be good, though (I think!)

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I'm glad to hear. And I'd love to have a peek at your site when it's ready. Just email me! :)

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I am bullish on substack in 2023. Started my own substack a few months back and it's going well so far.

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Ayo!! Glad you're on Substack now too, that's awesome to hear. Good to see you here and hope you're doing well. :)

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Great discussion. I recently started on Medium and Substack both. I love Substack. I am testing Medium but not impressed with what I’m seeing. I’ve been a Medium reader for years but didn’t start writing there until a few months ago. There is so much that doesn’t make sense about Medium.

I’d love your tips on growing Substack. I have do have a few recommendations which is great and I’ve considering asking someone to guest post but would love some other ideas.

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Thanks, Tracy. Wow, you started at Medium when it's so in flux. I'm going to work on a tips post for Substack and will probably post both places. Good luck with your writing!

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Thanks Linda! Yes definitely not the best time to start on Medium but in terms of writing its always a good time, right?

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Jan 21, 2023Liked by Linda Caroll

Great marketing. ;)

You make me want to switch. I only have 1200, but it took forever to get 'em, although I started in '17, I took a few vacations. I'd get SO angry at stuff there. Pointless stuff. Not deserving of my anger, even. So why are you still on M?

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I'm still on M for a few reasons. First, people I like write there. And also, I was there before there was a partner program. I saw the merits of being able to network and meet people before they paid us. The pay was great for a while. Now it sucks, but is that really any different than LinkedIn or any other place that doesn't pay? lol. It's still about the people, right?

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The less the pay, the more it has to be about the people. ;) I like M. I just wish it payed. Long ago, in the print magazine days, I got paid for the writing I did and the editors did the job of hustling for the money to pay us with. I think I'm spoiled. Ha!

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Hi Linda, I would love any helpful tips you might have about Substack. I'm not sure I want to do this, but Medium is just really going down the drain and I need a home for what little writing I'm doing right now. Thanks for any help!

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I felt the same way Vanessa. Its really frustrating and sorry the same is happening to you. I will put together a list of tips for getting onto Substack. Will probably post them on both Substack and Medium to make sure I reach everyone who's interested. :)

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Jan 21, 2023Liked by Linda Caroll

I would love to know how to get started on substack.

I'm becoming a little disillusioned with Medium. I love Medium for the supportive writer community that it is, for the most part. But as far as getting seen there, it seems to be more and more impossible.

Thanks for writing.

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It's getting hard there, for sure. I will share some tips as soon as I can cobble it all together!

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Jan 21, 2023Liked by Linda Caroll

You've convinced me! Substack it is then.

As you suggested, any tips gratefully accepted :)

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Good to hear! I will share some tips as soon as I can get them cobbled together. :)

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Thank you for this! Very illuminating. Would love to hear your tips about the Substack Network!

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Thanks, Meredith. I will work on that asap so I can share and hope it's helpful. :)

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Jan 20, 2023Liked by Linda Caroll

Once my newsletter is up, I’ll ask for critiques

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Sounds great Margie -- looking forward to seeing what you're up to!

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Jan 20, 2023Liked by Linda Caroll

It is so frustrating. I have no idea how to get started on Substack, but see I must do that. It has not been pleasant for those who came to Medium to read my stuff. I told them to just drop Medium and they were tickled. Part of it was, as you said, what Medium sends them. Thank you, Linda.

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You're very welcome, Catherine. I'll do my best to put together a clear guide to getting started.

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Thank you, bunches.

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I loved this discussion. If something smaller than micro-steps exists, that's where I am. I crave community and truly feeling connected. It's how I found Linda decades (?) ago. I'm ready to jump in.

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Omg, Denise, can you even believe? It HAS been decades. Feeling connected is the most precious thing and it's lacking in so much of the internet. Like, can't say I ever felt connected on FB or Twitter. For a while on Medium, but that's changing fast with the new direction. But I think maybe it's possible here. I'm going to try cover the tips most people don't cover because it's usually the stuff no one thinks to say that matter most. You know?

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Thank you for all you give. I don't know what I don't know. I'm working on the intro post. and then trying to figure out where the website comes into play. What I know, is that every piece of advice you've ever given me has helped me move forward. Happy to help in any way I can! PS when I open your substack from my phone (android) it makes me log in as if I was brand new?

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This is disgusting - just disgusting behavior by Medium. I subscribe to writers I don't want to miss but not everyone does and even I can't subscribe to everyone I follow! Shame on Tony and team.

Yes, I need advice on Substack...I believe I've come up w/ a theme...

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I got your email, Jen! Will reply over there. It is really frustrating at Medium lately. I'm going to work on my substack tips post and see if I can add some helpful idea that aren't already floating around out there.

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I've had some vague thoughts about what turned me off from Medium and why I hardly go there anymore, but this crystalizes it.

"At Medium, your followers are not your followers. They are Medium’s followers." This! It's like a lightbulb moment! The corporates at Medium have killed off any sense of community, the one perk I loved the most at one time. But it's okay, because I've found that community at Substack.

Mediium feels cutthroat now, with the emphasis on money and competition. That can never happen here unless the format changes drastically. I've said often that the subscription format is perfect for me. I've sent out invitations to subscribe and those who accept know what to expect. I see subtle changes in the way I write now. It's freer and more geared to a community, rather than to an invisible audience full of disinterested strangers. I'm really liking it.

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I had the same lightbulb moment a while ago. For the longest time I thought I was building an audience over there. Then it dawned on me that even if people follow, they might not see my posts. How is that my audience? lol. It's not. I'm glad you're really liking writing on Substack. I find the same. :)

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Yes, I'm settling right in. I've never felt this comfortable blogging before--and I've done a lot of it.

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I’d love some tips. I stopped posting on Medium as well. In the process of creating a newsletter and creating all articleson substack.

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I'll be working on some tips and will share them both places. How is your substack going?

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