I write the first person drivel you mention, probably 80% of the time and it brings in 100% of my Medium income. The other 20%...the times I write actual useful content doesn't get read nearly as much. So there's that.

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Oh, no you don't. Essays and drivel aren't even close to the same. Margaret Atwood and a ton others write personal essays. I love them. If I was the kind of person that used names, you'd know what I mean. lol.

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I'm glad you make a distinction between the two.

I'll tell you what I can't stand on Medium are the people who incessantly complain about a biased system behind Medium. If all they ever do is complain, of course they aren't going to elevate themselves to more success!

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Right? It strikes me as a special kind of stupid. Curators and editors are people, too. Man, a couple of names come to mind automatically. lol

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Yup me too.

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Amen! No drivel from you Kristi!

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What would we write about, then?


People and children(29 till yesterday)are dying from both sides it's 2021


Please Linda write few words about it ?????

be a politician for ONE DAY

Sam John

Baghdad, IRAQ

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Sam, that really touched me. I might just do that. Are you on Medium?

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Another of your excellent posts. Thank you. Always a good takeaway for some further brain debate. It’s because of how you lay it all out.

Question for you,unrelated. On Substack, if we ❤️ Your post, do you see a list of names attached to the ❤️? On Vocal, it’s only total hearts, crickets on the names.

Happy weekend to you.

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There’s a certain writer on Medium who I stopped following but whose content continues to come into my feed now and again (maybe because I occasionally read a title of hers that has sounds intriguing).

Note: this writer has lots of fans and has occasionally written about supporting herself through the Medium platform making a six figure income.

But, there’s always a thread or two in too much of what she writes that is akin to a pity party...oh, woe is me the damsel in distress. Please come and save poor me by reading my drivel.

I want to leave a comment, but never have since she comes across as a “hothouse flower;” a comment something like: life is hard, then you die - will you PLEASE grow up already. But I haven’t yet written that, as I’m not fond of hurting the feelings of a person I’ve never met. And don’t wish to be viewed as a troll!

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Linda, you wrote about what I often think, but don't write about. Bullet points, for the most part. But, heck, the Internet is filled with telling people how to write using bullet points. Many writers heed these pearls of wisdom seriously.

As to Jerusalem, and as to the rest of the world where children and people get killed and where problems simmer constantly --- I think you might want to tread with caution. I am from that part of the world. Do you want to talk about Jerusalem? Good. How about talking about Sudan, or Nigeria . . . . . As we speak, there are more than forty wars all over the world. Heck! I have a better one...how about we talk about NYC? Where three people were slashed on the subway (today? yesterday?)... How about talking about stray bullets killing children in the US? As to Jerusalem? Some outsiders could never understand the core problem but are quick to condemn. But it seems to be the fashion of the day to single out one country and not another.

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I agree, but there's so many factors involved it'd makes ones head spin. There's always more than one side to the story. There are so many countries at war we never hear anything about , ie, Yemen being targeted by the Saudis and sanctioned up the wazoo. They don't have natural resources to exploit , so somehow they're deemed expendable? So many more countries are targeted by propaganda which feeds hate and ignorance, and stupidity. All dangerous traits. :(.

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A clever post really.

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Nicely put, Linda. Medium is my editorial section. I like reading other people's opinions and see if they mesh with mine or if they get me to think differently. And I started posting articles and comments within the last month. It has been an eye opening experience for me.

Money is a human construct, but thought is a human constant. If you are out to make money for your posts all the power to you, just don't expect me to take an interest. I'm all about substance not subsistence.

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Great piece, Linda. Great wordsmithing too!

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I absolutely love this post! I think people "these days" are in of of with either two or three camps. One being they don't don't at all and speed ignorant vitriol, or snowflakes who are offended by Everything, and then the humans! :)

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Looks like my coffee hasn't fully kicked in yet. Pardon my faux pas! :)

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Dear Linda


Can I send the photos to the above email address

photos are from the war conflict in Middle East


We should stop this kind of unacceptable human behavior

from All parties.

See the photos and comment on them.

Remember we are living in 2021 as civilized nations.

Sam John

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Dear Linda

I can send you few photos with comments on them

if you are interested,

I am sure it will touch the hearts of so many people,

Jewish, Christians,Muslims and other Religious groups

I is a historic event we should be part of it in a positive way.

To what email address I should forward the photos ? please advise.

Sam John

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