Nov 28, 2021Liked by Linda Caroll

The court really did that? Misogynist courts? Bet they didn't do that to your "ex-to-be." That just pisses me the hell off! Of course you used every ounce of positive thinking you had! Lately I've been using it daily because I had what I found out later was a Traumatic Brain Injury from just a stupid bump on my head from the tiniest fall ev-ah! I thought I was DONE with all things medical. Medical stuff sucks, especially when someone (who knows better) lies about your status and you stop getting home health care (to go back to normal.

I'm truly amazed you did all those 24 commercials with all that IT to actually know and do. You go, Linda!!!

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They really did. But not just to me, to both of us. Just that he knew in advance and was prepared. Me, not so much. Learned all the processes the hard way. lol. Medical stuff DOES suck. Hope you are healing fast. Anything that begins with the word Traumatic SUCKS. lol

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Not as tired as you. I had Thanksgiving dinner for three and played board games. We all won a game. How great is that? I avoid the super-spreader family gathering and felt joy. When I go in to visit my 98-year-old mom at her first-rate nursing home that I'm not making the staff sick. Those aides, LPNs, RNs, etc are the best people in my world. 🌻

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Margie, that just warmed my heart. I'm glad to hear your mom is safe and you're keeping her safe. You are right, health care aids can be just the best. Give your mom a kiss on the forehead and tell her it's from some strange Canadian woman who misses her mom. I lost mine to a stroke two Christmases ago and miss her dearly. ❤️

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Will do 💕

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Just for me? Wow! Thanks.

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Everyone reads one person at a time. So yours is just for you. lol

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"All we can do is share and hope something resonates." So true. Thanks. And happy Thanksgiving as well.

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Thanks, Tree. Happy Thanksgiving to you, too

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Nov 26, 2021Liked by Linda Caroll

"In some ways, we’re all the same. We cry the same tears, bleed the same blood, and we all want to feel like we matter. But in other ways, we’re all different. We have our own ideas, goals, dreams and preferences."

And that right there is a great tension, if not THE great tension, in all human relations. Are we the same, or are we different? Both--but how do we balance those contradictory truths? If this were Medium, I'd highlight this quote :D

Thanks for this newsletter.

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Right? As a collective, I wish we did better at looking for similarities instead of differences. Last sentence -- thank you! And thanks for enjoying it. :)

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I chose to think of it this way: Positive thinking fuels the energy to do the next thing, take the next step. This week, I spent some time reflecting on why I write and whether or not it mattered or had an audience.

This question emerged. "What if I wrote from my own curiosity?"

When I look at the writers I enjoy, like you, they write from their openness and curiosity.

Thank you for the inspiration to smile and keep going.

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Oh Kathryn, thank you . I spent so much time trying to replicate the ones that did well. It never works. Finally I just started writing about what makes me curious, or mad, or something I had to share. It's made writing easier again. Last sentence - thank you. It's a two way street, for sure. :)

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Loved the post. I'm just reading it now - because every part of me is tired. Mentally, physically, and emotionally. The holidays are a roller coaster for me. I hope you have a chance to recharge and have fun. :) We got our booster shots and that makes me happy.

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Linda, late to this. It's Wednesday and I'm STILL exhausted. WTF????

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My daughter bought her first home in June. The paperwork was completed in early May. FHA loan. Excellent terms. But the down payment was $1300. They froze her account for more than a month to make sure it never dropped below $1300. We helped her with groceries, etc. until the closing. Ridiculous.

I'm exhausted, too. I've been on Substack less than a month. My reconstructed thumb is healing famously, so I can type longer than half an hour again (left hand only) without having to rest my inexperienced in full typing left hand and arm for an hour. I was hoping to publish my new book December 1. Then, I found out Amazon abandoned CreateSpace sometime between my last KDP book and this one. So formatting has changed a little. Maybe December.

I also decided to change the theme/topic of Linda's Heart to "Gratitude Every Day of the Year." It will be FREE every day of the year. I'll be motivated to write every day, share on LinkedIn and Twitter and FB (if they'll ever let me claim MY PAGE, which is currently a hacker impersonating me). For the first time, I'll be able to grow my email list in one place. Substack. I'm not here to make money. I'm here to find readers who like what I write.

I'm glad you're here on SS, too. We'll support each other here the way we did on Medium. I can't handle Medium, too. Substack feels like "home" for what I want to write, and I don't have to worry about formatting. I'll eventually collect some banner pictures for each month so my page will look nice.

Turn off everything and sleep for at least two days. You've earned it!



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