Another great post and again on point.

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Another important posting, Linda. I'm sending this to my great-granddaughters, 15 and 13, just so they have a different perspective. Your use of language is wonderfully clear and the article insightful. Thanks for posting.

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People are hungry for SOMETHING, especially younger folks who really haven’t yet lived.

That hunger, coupled with the FOMO dynamic and not being “cool” or “with-it” (or whatever the lingo is in 2021), drives young folk to these sites. They are looking for that SOMETHING, not understanding what that SOMETHING really is...

Some of what is being sought might be along the spiritual dimension of being, the hunger of the soul. Unfortunately, too much of organized religion (read Evangelical “Christianity”) has corrupted this fundamental need of being.

The latest nail color, Skims underwear from Kim Kardashian, Jimmy Choo shoes, Lamborghini etc., will not satisfy. It never does.

Some folks eventually’wake up,’ and realize that our stuff that we worked so hard to obtain wasn’t really satisfying as was promised by the advertising industry (20th century) or social media influencers (21st century). With that ‘wake up’ comes wisdom.

Wisdom escapes those searching for the next dopamine rush from their next purchase worn by, or hawked by “you fill-in the blank” famous person.

In the immortal words of P.T. Barnum, there’s a sucker born every minute.” Boy to we have millions of suckers here in the USA...

Yes, I concur with this essay’s thesis of harm! Nice work, per usual.

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Dear OUR Linda

Please more articles like this one,

we want to live in a nice clean beautiful healthy SOCIETY

Sam John

Baghdad, IRAQ

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