Feb 18, 2022Liked by Linda Caroll

I didn't know the word 'dingus' before. I guess that means I was the ignorant dingus, not even knowing what a 'dingus' is.

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lol. Nope. That doesn't make you a dingus. lol.

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I learned a new word - Dingus!

Can't get it out of my head now. LOL.

Also, all the ironic anecdotes shared here are so...*roll eyes / LOL / duh*

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New words are fun. Last sentence made me laugh.

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As a young teen, my son used to call his little sister a dingus. It drove her crazy. He finally insisted it was a made up word and didn't mean anything. Guess he picked it up somewhere....

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Feb 18, 2022Liked by Linda Caroll

Pet peeve as always - Fox news disciples. Dingi.

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Omg, Jen. lol. Plural. Dingi. That's too funny.

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I'm hating the AI audio versions of my stories. The poetry is the most painful, but the whole thing feels off. They didn't ask permission or give me an opt out option. Next, AI will be writing stories. Let's just replace all the people because not paying salaries is so much more profitable. Ugh.

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Not even joking, Denise, have you heard of AI writing programs? It already is. You just guide it along by coaching it with words and adding subtitles. I watched a video demonstration of one of the programs. Now I can't help but wonder if half the crap on Medium is written with those.

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Lmao!! Especially the ones pouring their heart out multiple times an hr 🤣 😂

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lol, right?

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Where to begin! Mine is still the people (being generous here) who refuse to get vaccinated and then cry when they lose a friend or loved one. Or when they get a monstrous medical bill because they landed in the hospital. All of which were preventable. Tragically sad but I think still qualify as a 'Dingus'.

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Michael, I saw a story in the news a while ago. A lady lost her whole family. Her sisters, her mom and grandma. They all laughed at her for getting the vaccine and wearing a mask. Told her she's dumb. It's just the flu. They all had a party that she refused to go to. Then they all died. So she went on the news to tell people. Doesn't seem to make a dent, though.

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Feb 18, 2022Liked by Linda Caroll

Yes, monstrous medical bills are preventable by making governments establish universal heathcare systems like just about every developed country other than the United States, instead of preaching individual responsibility & then gaslighting them when the medical-industrial complex finanacially exploits them when they are too sick to be 'responsible shoppers of medical care.'

And no, people can't always prevent going to the hospital. Our health is not entirely under our control. Health is not morality.

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Last sentence - mic drop. You said it.

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😂😂😂 I laughed all the way through this and desperately wanted to highlight a significant portion of it.

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lol, Kristi. Well, I'm going to have to put this one on Medium. Then you can highlight. Plus, I can fix my damn typos. WHY don't I ever see them until I hit publish? I swear they hide.

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Same here. Each time I publish a newsletter with a small error my mom is sure to point it out.

Hey...speaking of Dingus...please watch this Anderson Cooper report of national Dingus day. If you watch to the end I PROMISE it'll be worth your while 😂😂


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lol. I know which part of that I'm going to clip.

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Have at er! 😁

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Lmao, he laughed like a school girl! My eyes were burning from laughing so hard. At Anderson.

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Lol I know right! If you search YouTube you'll find several Anderson videos like this. He's my hero 😁

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Me too!!

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It wouldn't surprise me.

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Had to go to the Urban Dictionary to find Dingus. I thought it was a relative of the Dingleberry, but I was mistaken

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lol. That has a nice ring to it. They mean pretty much the same. Just one sounds too much like an Aussie dog. Dingleberry it is.

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"God, I wish my vacuum sucked as much as the homepage. I wouldn’t have to go over the dust bunnies from three different directions." I love these lines. Thank you for the smile on this fine Friday morning!

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lol. It's always fun when my attempts at humor don't fall entirely flat.

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Omg....XD. You're bloody funny.! It's amazing how smart people can be so stupid. Or how not so smart people think they're brilliant. Lordy!!

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Right? Omg.

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Feb 18, 2022Liked by Linda Caroll

Where's P.J O'Rourke when we need him most?

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Right? RIGHT!! God, for a satirist or comedian, there is NO shortage of materials these days.

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