First one here.

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lol. You make me laugh.

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Sep 17Liked by Linda Caroll

That’s how it’s done. Chase till you write The end.

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Or ignore until they find someone else to tell their story. lol

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Sep 17Liked by Linda Caroll

I just take dictation. But if they're annoying you, tell them to come over here - I'll throw them a garden party. There will be cake.

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I would bring them personally. For the cake. lol

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Love it!

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Why not

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Sep 17Liked by Linda Caroll

The bigger question:

From WHERE do new ideas & concepts arise? Thoughts about perplexing thinks we weren’t thinking about before…? Music lyrics & melodies?

Our ancestors “speaking” through us…maybe, is my answer.

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That's a good question Linda. Sometimes wonder that myself. Stephen King once said he often dreams his. Wakes up with one scene in his head and has to chase down the rest. That fascinates me

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I didn’t write my novel.

They wrote it!

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I journaled for many years, taught writing (essays) to college students a few years. Then I got sick, and wanted NOT to write about that. One day, a place and a few people showed up - that I wanted to write about. Wrote my first novel. It was so much fun - and thoroughly distracted from my real (awful) circumstances, that I wrote another one. New location ( one I loved, as before) and young healthy people. Fiction writings likely saved my life - certainly my mind! I’m totally hooked now! It’s the perfect “drug,” imo!

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There's a right way to write commercial, formula fiction but no two masterpieces are alike. Maybe you're sitting on a masterpiece. Just do it.You never know.

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Here's what I do. I have a character, usually a detective, then I write an impossible murder. Then I try to figure out how this detective could possibly solve this crime. Only once did I write a locked room crime that I couldn't figure out so had to start over. Lots of rules for locked room crimes, but they are all solvable, and its just fun to write this stuff.

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Hi Linda, I read this marvellous piece on Medium the other day. You really have a magical way with words and I think you might be a household name one day... 🎶

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Talk into a microphone and the character will even have a regional accent. Fiction takes time to create the layers and is an autobiography of my different selves.

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“Crazy thing is, I don’t have to chase them. They won’t let me alone.”


Don’t sweat first person or third person. Don’t sweat plot. (Yet.) Start putting down what they say and try to capture what they’re doing. Afterwords when they’re done (“You told me you were done!” “No, HE said HE was done. I still have more”) you can clarify (or obfuscate!) the plot points.

I’ve read interesting plots and interesting characters. Characters work better.

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I’m also a firm memoir writer.

Fiction feels “fiction-y” and fake. I don’t know if I’ll find the characters living in my head any crazier than the characters in my life. Sometimes they blur together and I write a half-way true story. Is that the beginning?

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Methinks you've been given a gift you can't refuse.

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