Jun 2, 2023Liked by Linda Caroll

I don't write one of My stories very often anymore. I usually just have tea and a chat about other peoples works. It's fun. My little stories were 98% distributed but more than that had thousands of external views and strong reads ratio. I've always been a happy camper. My readers got sick of the "crap" Medium sent along with my pieces so I said it's fine to leave Medium and I'd send them stories. (I need to follow your instructions for Substack). I just wrote a simple piece for Medium to see what happened and it was Boosted. You may be correct about it being a good thing, We need more writers writing for readers not for writers wanting to make money from other writers. I always value your opinion.

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I don’t share your enthusiasm.

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Linda Caroll

Sounds like the TikTok algorithm!

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Hey Linda, thanks for another useful insight. Peace, Maurice.

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Thank you for this. I'm learning a lot. I started up with Medium last year, then got in consistent. But, during the last 2 months, I decided to give it a chance again and became a top writer for photography. Learning these tips are helpful and I really appreciate 🙏🏽

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My Medium feed and reading recommendations are SO MUCH better now than before. Your insights help me to understand this Linda.

I've got a question: is there any chance of being Boosted if you don't submit stories to publications, but just publish to your own profile?

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I hope you are right about the boost effect because the crap you mention is increasing and I suspect chatbots are behind it. If I was not a writer and I paid for Medium, I’d be pissed off at the lack of quality- it’s out of control and it directly hits those of us who write about what we are passionate about. It’s good to hear that they’ve diversified the people doing boosts. I’ve been boosted, got 10k+ views, so I get it. Now get rid of publications and get some top writers to curate. And give me the option of only seeing boosted stories.

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I disagree, and that's why I've moved here. As an independent writer with my own publication, I will likely never get booted. Boosts only happen to those who publish in the bigger publications. I'm a good writer, and I've gotten way better since I started on Medium. I used to get curated all the time. Now? Nothing. Almost 6,000 followers, and nobody reads my work. I feel like I'm invisible.

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I still think there will be favoritism - unfortunately - because curators (even a 100 of 'em) have their fave writers or whom they perceive as excellent writers and I am thinking the first preference will always be given to those - not complaining tho - have been boosted and am grateful

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This really sounds promising. I’ve more or less left Medium for Substack, but I haven’t given up my member status. Can you tell me if crossposted stories can be boosted or do they have to be original to Medium? Thanks.

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Linda Caroll

Thanks for this, i had NO idea how boosting works. Not that I've been boosted often but at least I know what's going on!

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Interesting read, as always!

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It's hard to say for sure, but at this stage I think you're right. Of course, time will tell if it can be corrupted- and if it can, it will. Let's hope there's too many hands in the cookie jar to corrupt it. 😉

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I read Tony's post. Then I waited for your take on Boost. Thanks.

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I probably see it a little differently, but that's maybe because I've not been boosted. I think I fall into the camp of writing about things that won't get a huge readership, but the people who read me communicate genuine appreciation. I used to get "curated" all the time, but in the new world, I think I would need to pick a popular topic or write about a forbidden sin to get a massive number of readers.

As an aside, I just finished a Colleen Hoover novel (the first and only time I've read her) and have since followed it up with Dickens' David Copperfield. Hoover would do great on Medium and Dickens? Not so much. Modern tastes have changed. I am no Dickens or Hoover, but I am more of a classicist in terms of taste and style. I suspect that means I am very unlikely to get boosted.

Therefore, I can't rave about the change, but it also doesn't matter so much...

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I would be so excited to never see another post about how to make money on Medium or anywhere else, or about how much someone did or didn’t make, or about stats. I’ve never seen more garbage in my life, and the pathetic thing is this sh*t is constantly showing up in my feed, so it’s clearly loved by many. I don’t get it. I’d be thrilled to see genuine, quality writing boosted.

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