If I just start in reading there is no heart. No nada. But I clicked on something an image appeared and the rest of the post as if it were on my desktop. Perhaps because I have ‘no mages’ checked.? I really appreciate your how tos because Medium doesn’t a how de do to how to. Craig

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Yup, if you have images off, that's probably it. Thanks on the how to how de do. lol

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Nov 12, 2021Liked by Linda Caroll

Interesting updates! Thanks for being eyes and brain for me

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lol. You're very welcome.

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Nov 12, 2021Liked by Linda Caroll

I don't know that Projector will change much (on Medium, I mean). After all, Medium writers who wanted to use Canva had that option for a long time.

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I wonder if they're going to add the functionality the same way they added Unsplash. Time will tell, I guess. :)

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One thing sure about Medium: there will always be changes. Nice that you can import your mailing lists but Medium is, for the most part, behind a firewall. Will all of those subscribers have to pay their $5/mo to read your posts? How many will do that? How many will be offended once they see that's the case?

I can see how it pays for Medium to allow it but I can also see big problems if most of your subscribers are outside of Medium and possibly don't even know what Medium is. This could come as quite a shock.

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That's a really good question, for sure. God, wouldn't that be confusing for them? Strangely, that's how I found Medium forever ago. Someone sent a newsletter with a link to an article on Medium. I was like -- wait, what's this?

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There. You got my heart. ;)

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And you, mine. ;)

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The only change I wanted to see was writers being paid a monthly amount--$250 would've been okay with me--for publishing at least 10 posts a month. Or, writers being paid on views AND reading time AND claps, plus the monthly minimum.

I deactivated my account and moved to Substack, where they LOVE writers and want them to do well.


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